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Green is our Trademark


Mable Mukiga

Mable Mukiiga is the proud owner of Tarl Eco Micro Coffee Farm 1 (TEMICOF1) measuring 2.5 acres located at Kaaro village, Kahunga Parish in Ntungamo sub-county of Ntungamo district, Western Uganda. The 77 years old mother is a legend who grew up in this coffee farming community for all her life. For many years, Mable Mukiiga was a peasant farmer, a petty trader, a traditional birth attendant and family counsellor. She is passionate about coffee farming and plans to dedicate most of her time tending to Her Kaaro village coffee shamba. Through this partnership with Tarl Eco Farms, Mable is establishing a firm foundation to ensure a future of financial security, a dignified retirement as well as continued participation in the coffee and gonja marketplace.

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